Since aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics, it means that you can grow both fish and plants by using only one integrated system. But how do you choose which plants and fish to grow?
You would be surprised to know that you can grow a lot of different plants and fish with aquaponics.
Plants grown in aquaponics are organic and are not exposed to pesticides or other harmful materials. Hundreds of plants were studied and tested to determine which ones would prosper the most in an aquaponics system.
In general, plants that would thrive best in any type of aquaponics system are lettuce, kale, arugula, mint and even chives.
Basically, leafy greens proved to be the most productive in an aquaponics set-up. Lettuce is actually one of the vegetables that has the quickest yield as it reaches maturity when it reaches 28 days. It can also survive a wide temperature range.
There are also some plants with higher demands for nutrition that will also thrive in aquaponics as long as the system is established. These plants are cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage and even squash!
If you are willing to wait, you can turn to tomatoes — they reach maturity at 3 months. Trim off the shoots to ensure that most of the nutrients will reach the fruits themselves.
It is also good to invest in beans because you can store them for a long time. Carrots, on the other hand, can grow well in extremely cold or warm temperatures. You can harvest carrots in about 60 or more days.
If you are a fan of herbs, you will be pleased to know that you can grow basil, parsley, lemongrass and watercress.
You can actually plant more than one type of plant at the same time. Try growing vegetables with overlapping harvesting times. Another strategy is incorporating flowering plants like roses and other ornamentals. Meanwhile, root vegetables are not advisable to be used with aquaponics.
Climate conditions, environment and weather all affect the growth of your plants, but don’t worry – you can change the plants after harvesting, depending on your preference. Experiment and don’t be afraid to try different combinations.
Since the system is basically automatic, you can spend your time learning more about organic farming and aquaponics. As you progress as an aquaponic grower, you will learn which plants are most ideal given your situation, location and other factors. Soon, you will have an abundant supply of healthy and nutritious crops.
It is up to you if the fish you raise will also be for consumption or if they are primarily needed for the process. Well, why not choose fish that can serve both purposes?
The tilapia is perhaps the most commonly used fish in aquaponics because it is very easy to breed and it grows fast. It is also very hardy and can survive even in poor water conditions.
They usually grow in ponds, lakes and rivers, signifying their relevance to aquaculture in general. Tilapias require warm water so be sure to check on this every now and then. They are also good sources of protein, and they taste good, too.
Other fish that you can explore are the carp, catfish, trout and the largemouth bass. These are edible as well and have been proven to thrive well in aquaponics. However, it is still important to study the characteristics of each of the fish that you plan to raise.
For example, trout eat other fish and invertebrates such as flies. The largemouth bass has a stronger taste compared to other fish. Carp feed on algae and insects. Catfish can survive on plant-based food and are rich in Vitamin D.
You can also opt to raise ornamental fish like goldfish, koi, angelfish and guppies. If goldfish are overfed, they produce more waste, making them beneficial for aquaponics.
Did you know that fish raised in aquaponics system are better compared to those that can be bought in the supermarkets? This is because they have no growth hormones or antibiotics. Also, since they are fresh from your household, they are not transported or stored for a long period of time.
Taking care of the fish is vital because they provide the nutrients for the growing plants. Whether for consumption or just for providing nutrients to the plants, the fish are an integral part of the aquaponics system and must be cared for properly.
Aquaponics gives growers a lot of opportunities — from healthy living with fish and vegetables to you becoming an entrepreneur. Be creative and think of different fish-plant combinations for your system. You might expand one day and be one of the top suppliers of organic produce.
Who knows? This simple backyard hobby may transform your life someday.